Lately 4.3.23

Morning! It was a busy week—full of brainstorms and sunshine. I am starting fresh, in my eyes, with a weekly routine and approaching work life balance. Always been a tricky one for me, but more than ever, I am motivated to get a more regimented routine in place. Time is of the essence!

Photos from my camera roll lately…

I know I have rambled on about the topic of bad weather but literally—it rained the last 2 months it feels like! I think the longest, and most wet winter, I’ve experienced! This weekend temps all of a sudden perked up to sunny, warm 70º air, and it felt so foreign! Incredible, but shocking. So nice! Really makes you appreciate blue skies all the more.

It’s officially picnic season, people. This snap above was from my girlfriend’s backyard yesterday over a lovely Easter bbq.

Garden is in bloom! I got these adorable teak tray tables to line the fence and create some visual interest. The trays can be removed—so very convenient, too, for hosting!

P.s. Learning from having camellias for years now. They need shade for the most part… and are on the same page with me about not loving torrential downpours that last ages. All the leaves look a bit sad and they had one round of blooms that were rotted… making a comeback (they are so resilient!) but just FYI! I will be moving them beneath an overhang next time we have big storms like that.

A view that makes me happy.

A moment for this morning light and our doors. I am just so in love!!!

I have been working on a motherhood post and it needs to be published this week! So much to say… but my god, is Grace the most delicious little human these days. This age is absolutely unreal. It’s just incredible to witness such a pureness.

Her chair details here! It’s darling.

A favorite catchall moment in my bedroom.

These two. Also, Grace keeps calling Matt “babe” and it is killing me! Truly, she is constant entertainment.


In case you don’t know. First spotting was here… and then I shared the recipe here. 🙂

My little flower child! The pigtails.

Been adamant about sticking to a feel-good morning routine. No screen. Early rise when I can to journal or meditate. Grab Grace and get her breakfast started. Music on and coffee made. Make the bed, quick morning skin routine. Matt takes her to daycare on the 2 days he works from home (today!) so I tidied up, and because I was feeling lots of energy came into my office and tackled a few blog drafts for this week! No reactionary work (emails, DMs, projects) until I make some time for myself to ground and channel any creative energy into writing or photos.

My favorite Celine pouch looks especially lovely with its surroundings so snapped a quick photo.

New top in that I had to share!

I know my old blog name might allude to being a big breakfast person, but I’m actually not! I’m perfectly happy with a simple smoothie, fresh fruit, or toast and butter! Simple happiness.

As requested, I wanted to share the recipes my friend used yesterday! The lemon cheesecake tart was insane (cheesecake is Matt and my weakness!). Green goddess salad / Hot honey roasted carrots with goat cheese

I have told her many times over the years she should start a food blog. Even if it’s for her to just catalog all her favorites and learnings… and I am the only other reader, it would be worth it!!

That’s all I got for now. Chat soon! x

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