An Inspiring Podcast Playlist

I go through phases when I get back into podcasts and they have been such a big inspiration for me this week. I wanted to make note of my two favorites, as well as some of the episodes that have really spoken to me. If you have any inspiring recommendations, I would love to know about them! x


The Accidental Creative

“Cover bands don’t change the world, don’t be a cover band. You need to find your unique voice if you want to thrive”. –Todd Henry

By far one of my favorite podcasts to tune into. Todd Henry is so easy to listen to and captivating. If you run your own business, work at a startup, or are in a creative field this one is such a good inspiration boost. I love their { cover band } tagline. The more you create, write, and share from within, the more your work will stand out and shine. In a world where there are so many ideas, articles, information floating everywhere, it’s more important than ever to be inventive and bring newness to the table. Don’t follow anyone’s lead but your own! My top 5 favorite episodes below:

3 Ways to Gain Creative Focus
How To Quit Your Approval Addiction
Adventure is Right in Front of You
How to Build Creative Confidence
3 Weekly Rituals That Will Refresh Your Creativity


Oprah Supersoul Conversations

“You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge. But it can only emerge if something fundamental changes in your state of consciousness.” –Eckhard Tolle

The name says it all. It really is just so good for the soul. I love Oprah’s podcast and it’s especially near and dear to me because my absolute favorite author, Eckhard, is featured in so many. He changed my life in 2011 when I opened up his book, The Power of Now, and since I have admired, followed along, and will even re-read his book again.

“Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with SuperSoul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.”

A New Earth feat. Eckhard Tolle (all 10 episodes)
Daring Greatly feat. Brené Brown
A Hopeful Voice feat. Beto O’Rourke
Being in the Now feat. Eckhard Tolle


Comments Expand -
  1. love that Oprah podcast. so many good gems. I listen on my way to work and so many times, I wish I was sitting at my desk so I could jot down tidbits!

    xx, Nicole @

  2. Great post. Thanks for posting your favorites. I have listened to Oprah’s podcast but not the ones with Tolle. Sounds fascinating.

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