Why does cleaning out a closet bring *so much joy to oneself? The vibe just seriously feels so calm and peaceful at home when things are in order. This apartment is our first where I’m feeling like we’ve reached max capacity with storage space… things are at the brim! So getting crafty has been a challenge I’ve recently taken on, and I am actually really enjoying it! This small apartment has given me the mindset to collect what we love and eliminate the rest.
I have been on this minimalism kick for a while now and it’s really shaping up to be more impactful than I thought. I love my closet right now… I’ve narrowed things down to the pieces I cherish and am excited to wear. The number of things I own has been cut in half this past year and it’s game-changing!
One thing that I wanted to make a note of is how much pickier this has made me when it comes to shopping. After narrowing down to the essentials, selling and donating the things I felt unattached to, it’s given me a lot of clarity on what kinds of things I treasure, and what are the impulse/trend buys. It’s helped me better understand why I love the pieces I’d never want to part ways with, which usually have to do with how well it fits me, the quality, and how I never tire of wearing it because it’s special to me. I’ve also gotten a lot better at taking care of my things and making sure that they are stored safely away.
More on this topic soon as we continue to chat capsule closet, but I wanted to share the things I use in my wardrobe to maximize space since I’ve gotten a lot of questions recently!
One thing to mention is that I have a few Net-a-Porter boxes under my bed with some storage as well. Off-season things, socks, shoes, etc. Just in case you’re wondering. 🙂 xx