2017 Holiday Playlist
A Holiday Playlist to Get You into the Spirit

It’s official, the turkey is out of the way so it’s finally socially acceptable to blast that Holiday playlist!

I added a bunch more this year and hope you like it. I loved listening while we decorated this weekend. This is our third Christmas tree together and it’s by far the best! It’s also kind of ginormous, which wasn’t really the plan but hey! It’s extra bright in here now. I wanted something a little bigger since this year is extra special (playing host), but I admit my depth perception was slightly off. Let’s just say, I was extremely sore the next day after lugging it up three flights of stairs. Hilarious yet pathetic all at the same time. It was worth it though because it’s brought so much merriment to our living room!

Okay, time for the tunes! { Fun fact: my favorite song this time of year is “What are you doing for new year’s eve” Such a good one. } Happy listening and enjoy the holidays, friends!


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