Weekend Moments 8.30.18

It’s been so long since I kept up with my old Weekend Moments posts. I recently realized I missed sharing personal updates and inspirations each week, so wanted to bring it back but decided the idea of it needed to be reinvented. Sometimes with blogging (everything, really), you just have to try something new when it isn’t doing it for you anymore. It makes more sense for me to share things that stood out in my week versus what we did over the weekend. I used to get such nice feedback/comments about these posts and they were a great way to keep you looped in on things happening around here, so let’s get back to it! A few Highlights from this past week…

an outstanding part of an event or period of time.


Matt and I drove up to Healdsburg last weekend for a project I’m working on and decided to make a mini-vacation out of it. Since we are finally getting around to wedding planning(!), we checked out a venue in the area on our list, and we absolutely loved it! Healdsburg has become such a special place to us. So many things about it excite me about potentially getting married there, especially after visiting again. We’ve had countless day trips, weekend stays, wine club visits– it feels so familiar and like a second home now. It also would be ideal for wedding guests! So much to see and do, and convenient to walk around and explore. The aesthetic and vibe are exactly what we are going for, too. Laidback, garden, European, lots of greenery, lots of wine! So many signs are pointing to yes for us… but more updates to come soon once we know more.


We made decisions on our wedding party while on our trip! It was so special to start talking about these things and thinking about all the people we love most to help us celebrate. It’s all starting to feel very real. I still stare at my ring/pinch myself daily, though. I promise to share more wedding stuff now that the ball is rolling. It’s been nice to soak up being engaged, but looking forward to the next steps!


I talked about this a little bit last week, but I realized last month that social media was disrupting my creative process in ways. I started carrying my camera again which is giving me life! I’m sharing and posting things because they make me genuinely happy vs. overthinking it. I’m working on nurturing my creativity, and allowing myself to do things my own way vs. feeling the pressure of ‘keeping up’. It feels really good to be aware of this, and make changes to keep moving in the right direction. Simply remembering to spend time doing the things I love has made a big impact, and no matter what from now on, I’m not letting anything get in the way of that.


Finally being able to pull out some warm weather clothes! Tomorrow is supposed to be absolutely beautiful, I can’t wait. Plotting the first picnic of the year because I’ve been waiting and am ready. Also! I told you already in my April Discoveries post, but I really cannot stop spritzing myself with this Byredo perfume, it is SO good. Cannot say enough great things, and neither can the people who smell me! (;


Pacifica was such a breath of fresh air this weekend. I just love discovering someplace new and taking it all in. It’s one of the most inspiring things/feelings. A few photos from our visit…


Hope you have a wonderful week!


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