This gift guide is for the ones who opt for cozy nights at home in sweats with a nice glass of wine rather than going out (hand is raised!). I love this guide–it’s full of practical, thoughtful, nice things that someone can use again and again. All little luxuries to be enjoyed from the comfort of their own couch. If we’re playing favorites though, you know me and my glassware obsession, these are a total gem. Matt and I also are looking to replace our record player, so thought this was a great addition to the guide { we are 100% qualified to be called homebodies 🙂 } My top favorites for the homebody above and few extra ideas below…
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one. Ceramic Vase // two. Tibi Fur Slippers // three. Matchstick Jar // four. Eberyjey PJ Pants and Top // five.Crystal Wine Glasses // six. white sage incense stick // seven. Cire Trudon Candle // eight. Orange Blossom Bath Oil // nine. Vinyl Bluetooth Player