Editor’s Note, 11.21

November 1st comes at such a nice time for me—needing that incredible feeling of a fresh new page! I’ve had a tough few weeks, but am doing a lot better after resting, family time, and regrouping for the month ahead. And it’s the most magical time of year to boot! I’m allowed to start talking about all the holiday decor I’ve ordered this week, right? I mean, Grace has inspired me to go all out (as least for me, have been pretty minimal in the past!) so I may not be able to help it. So more on this soon.

I mentioned how I found myself in a rut recently. Isn’t it strange how sometimes we find ourselves in these situations and have no idea how we got there? I am usually so self-aware, yet sometimes small things sneakily add weight to our shoulders and then all of a sudden, you realize you feel heavy. Even though it can be difficult to snap out of a rut, I always look at it as a challenge. I’m forced to check in with myself and uncover what’s wrong. I know my way out if I really want to do the work, and so sometimes I just have to ease out at my own pace. Does that make sense? Anyway, I guess the point here is that ruts happen. It’s okay! Always a lesson to be learned, they help us grow. And once we are ready to move on and refill our cups, there’s no better feeling then having your sparkle back. I am feeling back to life and really excited to get to work this week. Ready to go inspiration hunting, immerse myself in things that I love to do.

I read this quote while curating my little moodboard and wanted to share it. “Be more attracted to what’s good for you”. When I read it, I didn’t find it to be that groundbreaking but then I thought about it more and realized it’s exactly what I needed to read on a fresh start Monday morning! My ruts usually have something to do with me falling off track a bit and spending my time on things that don’t serve me. When I am on social media more, not eating *as healthy* as I usually do, when I’m not as active—bad habits sneak up real quick, especially this pandemic life we are all living through right now. So this quote really spoke to me. This month, for me, is about recharging my battery and focusing on things that inspire me, expand my horizons, and that make me feel GOOD.

November Agenda

My to do list this month is quite big! Mostly work goals for myself and getting gift guides together. I don’t know if you know this but gift guides are incredibly time consuming… I am brainstorming how I want to go about doing them this year with a baby in tow, haha.

Kind of same old stuff though on the calendar. We are quickly trying to wrap up our backyard updates before winter. We removed the mulch and are adding in the sand pathway material this week! I shared my plans on my Instagram highlight “garden” if interested to see what’s shaping up back there. I spent a lot of time in our yard this last week and it was just so nice. I love when I fall into the zone while enjoying a hobby. That feeling is the best, so cathartic. I planted a ton of bulbs that will (hopefully) pop up in the spring! I want to do a nursery run this week and get a few more things to plant too as I learned it’s a great time of year to get things into the ground while it’s still warm!

Events-wise, I am very much looking forward to Thanksgiving this year—starting a new tradition that I am excited to share when the time comes. Going to be pretty magical for G, too, and she will be able to enjoy some Thanksgiving food as well!

And as the cherry on top, we have wine country plans, visiting one of our favorite areas and have fun reservations. I LOVE my wine country this time of year!

Inspired by

I spent a lot of October organizing and de-cluttering our home and call me Kondo—but I feel SO much more clarity. I have a few more areas I would like to tidy up and am going to slowly start injecting festive touches for the cozy season ahead.

A list of warm and fuzzy things that always inspire me come November ~

comforting candles
gloomy morning walks with coffee
hot baths at the end of the day
autumn golden light
the scent after the rain
soup recipe testing
reading in bed
fresh hanes socks
cashmere joggers
listening to jazz
babys in knits. (newest favorite)

My winter starter pack


images collected via


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